

 About Me

Who’s that guy?

Kid of the 80’s, I was born in Paris, France and grew up in in the USA, Africa and Europe. At an early age I discovered my genuine passion for psychology, music and art, always looking at observing people’s personalities and talents, people’s lives, and create connections.
As a Pianist, Composer, Photograph and DOP, my vision is to pursue those early passions in formats that reach a larger audience. Big cities to me are the home of chaos, ideas, conflicts, people, passion: they represent a dramatic life ingredients shop where I get my supplies to cook unique recipes for talented musicians and artists.

The Passion of an Artist at the Service of other Artists

This is my concept of what I call an urban photographer. The passion of an artist at the service of other artists.
Show me your world, show me your dreams, let’s bring your talent to the next level and share it with your audience.