
Néné Photographie


Néné Photographie Corporate Logo Film Maker for Artists and Musicians

Embrace the Urban Photography

Talented artists and musicians need a partner they can trust. A film maker who understands their world, their language in order to best translate them into valuable media. Whether it is a live performance, a video clip or any kind of promotion material. Successful creators understand that when it comes to value, it is all about finding the right partner, with the right mindset.

Services from an Artist for talented Artists.

I help selected talents grow their creative success by delivering dedicated and personalized solutions. How? Well it’s simple, I am inspired by my international big city life experience gathered on three different continents. This is my self founded concept of urban photography. Because my vision is to deliver services from an artist for talented artists.

French Singer Tété Concert in Düsseldorf copyright Néné Photographie Live Performance
Concert Recording
Famous Pantomime Milan Sladek Live Theater Representation copyright Néné Photographie Live Performance
Theater Recording
US Singer Amp Fiddler from Detroit Concert in Cologne copyright Néné Photographie Music Production
Cinematic Video
with Studio quality Sound
Classical Musicians Wulfin Lieske Guitar Eleonore Klauser Piano Istvan Kuruc Violin Artists Germany Trio Ariabesca Photo taken in Cologne Concert in Cologne copyright Néné Photographie Artist Promotion
Making Off, Press Kits

Live Recording

With the global sanity situation we are facing since 2020, live events are more than ever something special and unique. And when it comes to recording live events, the challenge is that you only have one shot. As an artist it is essential that you are fully focused on your representation to succeed. Therefore you need to have a reliable partner. And Néné Photographie takes care of the hole logistics and technique while you focus on your concert or theater representation.
I work as an allrounder multicam and sound live recording producer up to the final delivery. When it comes to larger projects I rely on my network of creatives to support the project needs.

Néné Photographie Icone for Live Video Recording

Néné Photographie Icone for Music Video Production

Music Production

That’s right, nowadays, musicians are struggling to find the right medium to promote their music: people do not buy albums anymore and rather stream unlimited on  spotify, deezer etc… So how do you stand out and connect with your audience?
Video consumption is consistently increasing and people are looking for a stronger connection to the artist. Music video productions are an unmatched way to both promote your interpretation technique and music but also create a connection between you, your world and your audience.
I work with artists to put their art under the best spot, with mastering quality audio and cinematic multicam. 

Artist Promotion

A great project idea is not enough to get your audience’s attention. We live in a visual world, and you have the opportunity to reach out to your fans, clients and partners showing why you and your project are so special.

With Néné Photographie, you can benefit from my in depth experience coaching artists understand who their audience are and develop a targeted communication strategy. The images and sound I produce are the result of carefully thought marketing strategy which fits to your individual project expectations.

Néné Photographie Icone for Artist Promotion

Let’s Talk

Every artist is unique, every project is unique, let’s have a chat and find out if I can help you with your personal target.